Mommy Makeover!

It just occurred to me that I never announced it here, but I was lucky enough to be named one of the three women to receive a Mommy Makeover!

I didn’t end up being the big winner, but I did get a great makeover, a day of pampering and some pretty cool prizes. (The big winner got some extra prizes, including a gift card to India K’Raja, which is Patrick’s favorite place in the world!)

My parents came up for the day to look after Joe while I got all fixed up, and my friend Mike also came up for the big reveal.

You can see pictures from the big reveal here. What a great time — thank you to all who voted!

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Stair Climber

Joe has gotten really good at climbing stairs.

He doesn’t try it at our house (ours aren’t carpeted, and they only lead to a closed door and a creepy attic). But at my parents’ house, he just can’t help himself!

He climbed all 14 steps three times the other day. After getting to the top on his second trip up, he took a right and then stepped down into my father’s workroom. That’s where he fell in love with the HIGH VOLTAGE sign, which we used to lure him a third time:


Don’t worry, there is no actual high voltage within Joe’s reach. Just a sign.

Here is video footage of one trip up:

Joe Cool

A couple of weeks ago, I was at a baby shower for my friend Lisa. Her daughter, Hannah, was not due to be born until Halloween, but she surprised everyone and was born way back in August. She was teeny-tiny, and had to spend weeks in the NICU before getting strong enough to go home. She actually just went home from the hospital the day before the shower, so it was a very special day!

Anyway, I was sipping my punch and visiting with some other friends at the shower when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Lisa’s sister-in-law, who introduced herself and asked if I was Joe’s mom. She was one of the people who had read his blog when we were on our worldwide quest for his favorite baby food — in fact, she generously supplied quite a few jars of it through Lisa.

She said that she had recently been shopping, when she spotted something and knew it would be perfect for Joe. Then she handed me a T-shirt, which Joe is proudly modeling here:



Do you see what it says under “Ladies Man”? Joe Cool.

How cool is that?


With all this motoring around and checking things out, Joe has started to learn about gravity, and how face + velocity + kitchen floor = bruise. His physical therapist calls these “mobility injuries,” and (after the initial tears) they are cause for celebration!

Here he is showing off his forehead bruises, one caused by a battle with the kitchen floor and the other a battle with a restaurant table. Live and learn, little dude!


Giggle Monkey!

Last week at the grocery store, I had to put the shopping list in my mouth so I could rummage around in my bag with both hands. Joe, for some reason, found this hilarious, and even more so when I talked to him that way.

Now, at least once a day, he has a complete giggle fit over it.

Big Man on Campus

Joe is doing so great in school! He started off a little wary of the whole thing, but now he smiles as soon as he sees the bus coming.

He brings home a great “report card” every day. The one he brought home Tuesday was especially sweet:

Joe had another great day! He crawled up to one of his peers, looking and smiling at her. It was so cute. Also, he performed his “downward dog” one-handed, as if he were going to get up on his feet!

He has a few Goldfish crackers and some juice at snacktime, and (just as he does at home) seems to enjoy books and music the most.