Pulling up and cruising!

Earlier this week, I found that if you stand Joe up against the coffee table, he will step sideways to get to an interesting book. Yay, cruising!

Today, I was telling his teacher about that new development, and I said “But we have to put him in position; he won’t pull up on the table by himself.”


Not two hours later, when he wanted a book that was on the couch, I tested him. Here he is, passing with flying colors!


Go, Joe!

Boys-Only Road Trip

Patrick and Joe spent the weekend in New York at Grandma and Grandpa’s. I decided to stay home, get some work done, and relax with a little “me” time.

That was fun for about 10 minutes — I miss my boys!

Here are some photos from their trip. They’re on the way home now with more!

Joe and Grandpa
Matching hats!

Joe’s First Field Trip

Joe came home from school today with a permission slip for his first field trip! On Oct. 13, he and his little friends will be going to the pumpkin patch at Boulevard Flower Gardens. Can you imagine the cuteness?!

Included with the slip were some instructions on getting approved as a parent volunteer and tagging along on the field trip. You better believe I’m going to do that — if I didn’t have that option, I’d be parked across the street with a telephoto lens, trying to get photos of his adventure.

Stay tuned!

Here he is enjoying last year's harvest!