Desperately Seeking Toodee!

After the great success of the online hunt for Joe’s favorite food, we are trying to pay it forward.

Here’s the deal: A friend-of-a-friend has a little girl with a rare blood disease that has her in and out of the hospital. On one recent stay, she misplaced one member of a five-piece Yo Gabba Gabba set that she loved.

This is the set:

Toodee (the blue guy, second from left) is the one missing.

In trying to replace him, her mom discovered that the set was a limited-edition Toys R Us product that was only sold last Christmas. So it can be found online — but only at “Collector’s Edition” prices.

So here’s what we need you to do. Check your toy boxes, junk drawers and playrooms for this guy. He’s about 4″ tall and plastic.

If your little ones can do without him, let’s send him on to this little girl. (Even better: If you can part with the whole set, we’ll get that to her in case anyone else goes missing!)

Thanks, y’all — happy hunting!

Update: The perfect Toodee was discovered in a toy box by the daughter of one of my RichmondMommies friends. She graciously gave up her old pal so that he could rejoin his friends and make another girl very happy. Yay for finding him, and yay for generous kids who do the right thing!


Despite an oppressive heat wave (100+ degrees!), Joe is having a great summer so far!

Last week, we went to Alexandria to visit our friends Anita and Kaden. Like Joe, Kaden just turned 2 and is doing things on his own time. It was nice for Joe to be at a playdate with someone his age and not get trampled or left in the dust! I wish we lived closer together.


We couldn’t make a trip to that part of the state without a stop at Ikea — love that place! Among the finds that day was a little green potty chair for Joe. He’s a long way from knowing or caring what it’s for, but seriously. LOOK AT THIS:

Potty boy 2

On the orders of his ophthalmologist, Joe has started to wear an eye patch so that his eyes will learn to share the work they do. It’s only 90 minutes a day, six days a week (four on the left eye, two on the right). He was a little annoyed by it at first, but is growing to tolerate it pretty well.


Joe’s first movie!

The high today was 102 degrees — good weather for sitting in an air-conditioned theater!

Joe and I went with my friend Morgan and her son to this week’s family freebie film: “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.”

Joe was totally riveted until the last 20-30 minutes, when it got kind of loud and scary. Then we ducked out to the lobby, where he practiced his walking until the movie was over.

First movie!

Just over two years ago, when I was first in labor with Joe, Patrick and I distracted ourselves from the wait in that same theater, watching “Kung Fu Panda.” Funny how time flies!

Happy Fathers Day!

This morning, Joe and I let Patrick sleep in before opening presents. Here is what he got:

Turtle, turtle!
This turtle figurine came from our local Ten Thousand Villages shop, which has all kinds of nifty little things from all over the world. It looked to me like Patrick and Joe, so it came home with us!

Joe's masterpiece
This is a Joe original. Watch for it on “Antiques Roadshow” 100 years from now — it will be worth gazillions!

The big gift won’t be ready for a couple of weeks — we’re having Patrick’s shiny new master’s degree matted and framed for hanging!

Then we went out for lunch and a little shopping. But first — a snuggle:
Boys on Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day also to Joe’s Papa Burt and Grandpa Mike!

Sweet Boy

Joe seems to enjoy being a 2-year-old! He has been even more fun than usual these past few days, laughing a lot and being super cuddly.

Giggling aviator

Our favorite new “trick” of his happens when we are all on the living room floor after dinner. Patrick and I lie on our sides, far apart but facing each other. Joe crawls to each of us, leaning in for a kiss from Dada before coming back to me for a Mama smooch.

He does a few laps of this, and it just thrills us to no end! (I know, I know — I need to get it on video!)

Birthday Boy

Joe had a lovely day!

The staff at Children’s Hospital, where he had his morning appointment, scooped him up at the door and sang “Happy Birthday.”

Afterward, we went shopping for some books and a cool Joe-sized chair, then ran a few errands.

Joe was still napping when Dada came home, but when he got up, we ate and had cupcakes!

Making a wish

Then … presents!

Patrick made a cool banner, and Joe sat in his new chair to open all his cool stuff:


After that, Joe was inducted into a very exclusive club. (He and Dada are the only members to date!)

Patrick has been working very hard on all the details, which he may or may not share with the rest of us.

Here is Joe, looking over the fine print:

Reading the rules

A great day for a great boy. Next thing you know, he’ll be THREE!

Two Years Old!

Hard to believe it’s been 2 years since we met this guy!

Joe has an appointment this morning, and then we’re off to Books-A-Million to pick out some birthday books. Tonight, cupcakes with Dada!

Birthday photos will be coming soon. In the meantime, how sweet is this: