Banjos, fiddles and friends

Joe made friends with some musicians a couple of weeks ago at the Petersburg Farmers Market. This week they were playing a benefit for wounded warriors, so we stopped by to listen to some good old music. Joe rushed the stage at the first chord, then after a few songs worked the crowd.

Music and friendly people can’t be beat.

Thanks to the Virginia Folk Music Association for putting on a great show!





Joe hits six!

Happy birthday Joe! Cupcakes at school, cupcakes at home. Cards from his terrific grandparents, including a Grandpa Mike original story about racing. Spot-on, as his big present was a fire-engine red Schwinn.
Chromed fenders, handlebar tassels, bell. GO JOE!

Thanks to everyone for the fine birthday wishes and surprises – Joe loves you all and so do we.

Sixth annual boy with cupcake photo. For the past five, check out last years blog post.

Joe's Sixth Birthday

Taming his new ride.

Joe's Sixth Birthday

Joe's Sixth Birthday

Joe's Sixth Birthday