Joe at school

Joe has the best school. Terrific teachers, terrific classmates, terrific everything. The whole school knows him – one class all high-fived him as they passed by, single file, in the hall.

It’s great to know our boy is in such good hands.

D is for Ms. Deena, Joe’s teacher.

Ms. Konnie helps Joe out every day.

Joe holding court in circle time.

Cow or cookie? Too easy.

Gym class. Joe destroys in dodge ball.

Safe Communities

Joe played MC at Flora Hill Park tonight as Colonial Heights participated in the national Celebrate Safe Communities event.

Lots of people turned out. There was a DJ, lots of cookies and cider, all with a new playground as backdrop.

Very cool event, congratulations and thanks to all the people that volunteer to put these things on.

Joe showing up to get the party started. Right. Quickly.

Safe Communities

DJ Ron M doing his thing.

Safe Communities


Safe Communities

Another neighbor.

Safe Communities

Still more neighbors. They were everywhere.

Safe Communities

Great face-painting.

Safe Communities

Joe partied ’till the break of bath time.

Safe Communities