Another Chance to Help CJ’s Meal Fairies

The Pepsi grant a while back didn’t work out, but that’s OK! Now there’s a new chance to help CJSTUF get nutritious meals to families stuck in the hospital with sick children.

Kindermusik is offering grants to nonprofits who rack up lots of votes from supporters. You can vote up to 10 times a day, and you don’t have to register at all. Quick and easy!

Just go to this page and scroll down until you see this:

Click that big green “VOTE” button 10 times. And then tell everyone you can think of to do the same.

And then do it again, every day, until Feb. 9.


Fun at School

Joe’s teacher sent another couple of photos today so we can see what he’s up to there.

After wanting nothing to do with the water table all year, he suddenly enjoys it very much! He gets to splash around, pick up sponges and toys, and generally make a big mess.

Picture 134

Picture 125

Happy New Year!

We had what is becoming our traditional celebration around here: putting Joe to bed, sitting at the table with our champagne, and discussing the old and new years.


Before declaring our resolutions (and our celebrity death predictions), we reviewed a list of things Joe was doing this time last year. He was just starting to crawl then; now he’s going up stairs and cruising around the furniture. He’s made zero progress in the eating department, but I guess that’s because he’s got so much exploring to do.

He is so funny with the cruising! He pulls up to his “office,” then goes over to the coffee table, and immediately pulls everything off of it. Remote? Get outta here. Coasters? Goodbye. Tissue box? Not on my watch.


He’s also doing a lot of “talking” lately. Still nothing anyone understands — mostly a lot of “budgie budgie budgie” and “bootuh bootuh.” Depending on his facial expressions, those same syllables can seem to mean “Gosh, I love my toys” or “Get out of my way, dog!”

Many moons ago, I clipped a jingle bell toy to his crib. I forgot it was even there, until a few weeks ago when he suddenly noticed it and began swatting at it. He thinks the noise is hilarious. So now that’s the sound we hear first thing every morning: *jingle jingle jingle* “Hee hee hee” *jingle jingle jingle* “Hee hee hee.”

Funny boy.