Picture Game, Part 2

I can’t get a photo of the glider until it arrives in the next few weeks, but here are the other requests:

My computer area (click on it, and then roll over the highlighted parts for a thrilling explanation of every little thing):

Last night’s dinner, a Weight Watchers recipe for Chicken Salad:

What else can I show you?

Picture Game

I totally stole this from my friend Stephanie’s blog. I don’t know if I have enough readers to make it interesting, but here goes:

Comment and ask me to take pictures of any aspect of our life that you’re interested in/curious about — it can be anything from our dinner to our favorite gadgets to our cars. Leave your requests as a comment to this entry; I’ll snap the pictures and post them back here. It’s like a glimpse into our world!

Copy and paste this into your journal and give a glimpse into your world too!


Joe is sleeping off a rough morning.

He had his two-month checkup today, including two shots. In the right thigh, he got a shot for hemophilus influenza. In the left thigh, he got a shot for diptheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, hepatitis B and polio.

Thank goodness they can pack all that into two shots. Joe was cranky and crying before the nurse even came in, so seeing him get the shots wasn’t so bad. He just kicked the crying up a notch or two. (If he had been smiling and cooing when he got them, it might have broken my heart.)

In happier news, he is growing like a weed! His current stats:

  • 10 pounds, 13 ounces (25th percentile)
  • 22.5 inches long (25th percentile)
  • 16-inch head circumference (75th percentile — a big head for his big smart brain!)

Almost Two Months …

My mother has always said that my dad has a third-grade sense of humor. After seeing this outfit he got for Joe, you may be inclined to agree:

(That look on his face really completes it, no?)

Last weekend we went to USA Baby and ordered a nice cushy glider for Joe’s room. The wooden rocker that’s in there now is lovely to look at but not very comfortable for story time or snuggling. So in 4-6 weeks, we’ll have this chair (in a solid blue):

This weekend we’re going to visit Patrick’s former workplace (and the site of our wedding reception), the Airborne & Special Operations Museum. They’re having the annual Airborne Day with freefall demonstrations, the 82nd Airborne Band and all kinds of fun stuff. We’ll let Joe soak it all in, and remind him that pretty much every man on both sides of his family has been Airborne. No pressure!

Next week is his two-month checkup at the doctor’s office, and you know what that means: shots. I bet we’ll both be leaving there in tears.

Baby Gym

Joe’s favorite place to hangout (besides the changing table, the big weirdo) is his rainforest baby gym:

It makes rainforest sounds and has lots of colorful moving parts to look at. Here is a quick video of him enjoying it (sorry for the poor quality — it’s my cell phone camera):

We went to our first playdate earlier this week. It was especially for babies (I think the oldest one there was 9 months old). Joe was on his best behavior and was a big hit. I’ll post photos of that soon!