Spitting game at Disney

This month, like millions of observant five-year-olds before him, Joe traveled the long road south on his first pilgrimage to the Holy Land – Disney.

He liked the rides, totally dug It’s a Small World and thought the singing birds and bears were the bee’s knees. But most of all, he was about the ladies. Oh the sweet, sweet princesses of Disney.

Lots of photos on Flickr, these are Joe in action …

Disney 2014

Disney 2014

Disney 2014

Disney 2014

Notice Joe’s cousin and Mama tossing jealous dagger-eyes at Ariel. Joe don’t care.
Disney 2014

Disney 2014

Disney 2014

Mr. T goes to Richmond

Joe spent Washington’s Birthday at the Virginia General Assembly advocating for the thousands of Virginians with intellectual or developmental disabilities who are on a wait list to get services.

Please click on the link and get yourself educated. Big thanks to the delegates we met with – all were very generous with their time and seemed well informed on the issue. They also paid proper respect to Joe, which goes a long way with his handlers.

Joe resting his feet in the Old House Chamber. They were sore from kicking so much ass.
The Arc SOJ visits the Gen. Assembly

First stop – knocking some sense into Kirk Cox. Joe went all West Wing – full monologue with obscure references and dramatic music.
The Arc SOJ visits the Gen. Assembly

Next, talking tough to Riley Ingram. It was like a House of Cards scene up in there. Joe went so Spacey I though a head was going to end up in a box.
The Arc SOJ visits the Gen. Assembly

Finally, dropping the hammer on Roslyn Tyler. Actually, she was really nice. I think he got her digits.
The Arc SOJ visits the Gen. Assembly