First Steps!

Joe is on the edge of a real breakthrough this week.

He’s been getting better and better at standing without help, and now when we let go … he shuffles toward us. Without holding on!

Here he is at a friend’s birthday party, coming at me with one wobbly step. (The next day, he gave Patrick four steps before falling over.)

first step

Because we are working on “Joe time,” it will be a good long while before these first wobbly steps become real, effortless walking. But we are so excited!

Back to School!

Today was the first day of Joe’s second year of preschool. His class has a new teacher and a new location this year.

Joe was very excited to see his bus driver this morning (they became close last year, after his initial bus fear wore off) and rode happily off to school. His teacher was out sick today, but a note from the substitute says Joe had a happy day. (He came home with an uneaten lunch, though. I suspect they didn’t try very hard to get it down!)

An open house is in the works, so Patrick and I will be able to see the classroom and talk with the teacher (this change was rather sudden — and immediately followed by a hurricane, which messed up everyone’s planning). We’ll have more to report then.

In the meantime, look at Mr. Too Cool for School!