Mount Rushjoe

Shout out to Nana and Papa, who are reading this blog from the road! They’re taking in the sights at Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Jackson Hole, and even this famous spot:

Wait a second, one of these presidents is cuter than I remembered ….

Save travels, you two!

The 2012 Virginia Arc Convention

The three of us went to Virginia Beach for this convention–what a great time! Patrick and Joe enjoyed the pool and the beach while I sat in some sessions and learned a whole lot.

Spirits were especially high this year because of the state’s recent settlement with the Department of Justice. The DOJ team that worked on the settlement talked about how it would be implemented over the next decade, and they received lots of hugs and thanks in return.

In the breakout sessions, I learned about inclusion (from parents and self-advocates), and how college isn’t necessarily off the table for a kid like Joe. (He can even attend my alma mater!)

We met all kinds of fun people and left with big smiles. And Joe was Mr. Popular, as always:



