Birthday and Easter

We just got back from North Carolina, where we celebrated Joe’s Papa’s birthday and Easter.
Happy Birthday Papa!

Saturday we went to a friend’s first birthday party and ate a Japanese hibachi dinner (for Papa’s not-so-first birthday). Sunday we ate the best breakfast ever (served every week, by invitation only, at an undisclosed location near a major military base somewhere on the East Coast). Then we hid 18 carefully colored eggs and unleashed the children for 10 minutes of full-contact egg hunt. Later we made deviled eggs with the 17 eggs they found. It was just a neat weekend.

The weekend’s cast. As it’s Easter, Joe is doing a Jesus impression. (Too soon?)

Same spot, completely different vibe. The egg hunt begins, and you’d better get the $%#&! out of Abigail’s way or you’re going to have a bad time.
Easter egg hunt

Joe nabbing one. Picked it out of a bush and put it in the basket himself. No big deal.
Easter egg hunt

Making deviled eggs. (God prefers over easy.)
Making the devil's eggs

Papa gets a flaming ice cream surprise for his birthday.
Papa's Birthday

We think this fire was set intentionally.
Papa's Birthday

Mama and Joe say thanks for reading this far!