Summer Already?

So we had about two days of lovely, breezy springtime, and now suddenly it’s 90 degrees. Weird.

Yesterday we got up, got dressed, and walked ourselves over the bridge to Petersburg. Nothing was open there except Dixie Diner, so we stopped in for a nice breakfast.


Walking back from Petersburg is always a little more of a challenge (especially with our bellies full of omelet and bagel), but we made it home before the really sweltering heat started.

Joe is going through another one of his “I don’t need no stinking nap” phases. I think this is the culprit:

This is what's making him so grumpy

A Perfect Spring Day

Today it was about 70 degrees, without a cloud in the sky. We went to Maymont and strolled around the grounds there. They have a petting zoo and lots of lovely little gardens — plus BEARS!

Maymont Bears 2

Joe with Bear

After we’d walked around the whole place, we plopped down on a grassy hill and just enjoyed the sunshine for a bit.

Daddy, you funny

How cute are these two?