Bigger feet, slightly

This week was the annual Little Feet Meet in Colonial Heights, a Special Olympics sponsored field day for younger kids. It was Joe’s fourth meet, and it was terrific! This year it was moved to the high school football field, and it seemed like everything was even more perfect than usual. The weather was perfect, the kids were perfect, everything was as good as it gets.

Almost every post here ends with a thank you, and as sincere as they are I wish it were more. The Little Feet Meet, for example – I don’t even know most of the people that put it together. It just happened, seamlessly, for us. I know a few names, but rather than leave anyone out … thanks to every person who was there. Organizers, volunteers, parents, athletes – you’re all tops in our book. Thank you.

A whole bunch of photos from Little Feet Meet 2017 here …
… and Little Feet 2016, Little Feet 2015 and Little Feet 2014!

Joe with Piper, his coach for the day. Thanks Piper!

Joe with Mr. McCoig, his mentor and teacher – and the guy who introduced us to Pete the Cat. Thanks Mr. McCoig!

Joe with Ms. Finch, his assistant and muse. Thanks Ms. Finch!