More Snow!

Our second snowfall of the year hit today. It was more impressive than last week’s, and might stick around for the weekend.

Joe didn’t have school and I got out of work early, so we hung out on the couch for the afternoon. Joe rarely naps, and even more rarely naps leaning on us, so this was a big treat for me. I love this guy.
Joe's couch nap

Lola turned into a puppy again, at least for a few minutes. She’ll sleep good tonight.


He’s Your Lakeview Hero, Baby

This month, Joe was chosen to represent his class as a Lakeview Hero at his school. All the heroes get to go to a special pizza lunch with the principal, and his teacher was kind enough to invite me along.

We sat with the kindergartners, who had lots of questions about him. As kids always do, they accepted my answers very matter-of-factly and got back to important topics like crayons and cartoons.

Here he is admiring his complimentary lunch bag:

And checking out the big-kid end of the table:

Playing it cool:

All done!

More Then & Now

Sunday was terrific. We spent the day at Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg, Va., where we got to hang out with Lia’s sister’s cool family. Joe got to play with his cousins, Lia went down the big girl waterslides (three times, we’re so proud of her), and I ate a steak.

Thanks again Amy and Rich!

No pictures – it was a pool with hundreds of kids and I didn’t want to be the 40-year old bearded guy with a camera.

Anyway, I like looking at old pictures and seeing Joe in similar situations but years apart. Here he is hunting Nazis in 2008 (two months old, his first visit to the Airborne & Special Operations Museum, Fayetteville, N.C.)
Joe and Daddy in WW2 France

2012 (same spot at the ASOM)
Joe in WW2 France

Joe on film

We have about 4,500 photos of Joe. That’s 1,000 a year since he was born, and likely thousands more than were taken of most people my age during our entire lives.

Of all these pictures, I don’t think Joe’s ever been caught on real film. So let me present, captured by a 1973 Yashica Electro 35 in all his Kodak splendor, what I believe to be the first images of Joe on film.

YashicaElectro_1 (7)

YashicaElectro_1 (1)